Account Holder’s Consent

In the payment processing industry, Account Holder’s Consent refers to the explicit authorization given by a customer (the account holder) to a merchant or payment processor to initiate transactions from their bank account or payment method. This consent is required for various transactions, including one-time purchases, recurring payments, and pre-authorized debits.

To comply with industry regulations, businesses must obtain and document clear consent, whether through electronic agreements, signed authorizations, or secure authentication methods. Failure to secure proper consent can result in chargebacks, disputes, and non-compliance with payment network rules.

Learn More About Payment Compliance

Ensuring proper account holder consent is essential for smooth and secure payment processing. To learn more about compliance requirements and best practices, contact Merchant First at Our experts are ready to help your business navigate the complexities of payment processing with confidence.


Common related terms include Authorization, Payment Approval, Cardholder Agreement, and ACH Authorization. Synonyms such as Customer Consent, Payment Authorization, and Transaction Approval are also used in financial and regulatory contexts.